Is Covid-19 lockdown necessary ?

Anna Angold
1 min readJan 20, 2021

Hi! My name is Anna and I live in Germany. I am also only 16 years old it means I go to school here too. Well , now it`s online school. However, while being in this lockdown that we have all over Germany I really thought whether it`s important or not. See, all of the clothing stores, cafes, restaurants are closed, we literally can go grossery shopping and that`s it. The lockdown is gonna last until Ferbruary 14th. The thing is that we already had that kind of stuf in March and April 2020. The numer of infected decreased, it was perfect. But as soon as it happened they opened all of the cafes, stores and of course all of the people went there because we were home for two months straight. The number of infected increased after a few weeks because of that I think. Everything is unstable, the numbers descrease, then increase and this circle will never end if we continue to be unstable. My point of view is that it would have been much better if we hand`t closed everything, because the numbers would be more stable. But this time they closed it all because they are planning to inject the vaccine and they already do that, but also not. However, I hope you all stay safe. God bless!

